John Christian Bach (Johann Christian Bach) (Facsimile 1929) Charles Sanford Terry - Paperback £14.95 Find out more
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Hopkins - The Organ, Its History and Construction ... Preceded by Rimbault - New History of the Organ [Facsimile Reprint of 1877 Edition, 816 Pages] 2 authors - Hardback £23.40 Find out more
A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. Vol.5 of 5. [Facsimile of 1776 Edition of Vol. 5.] Sir John Hawkins - Paperback £13.58 Find out more
Bach's Chorals. Part 1 - The Hymns and Hymn Melodies of the Passions and Oratorios. [Facsimile of 1915 Edition]. Charles Sanford Terry - Paperback £7.95 Find out more
Joh. Seb. Bach, Cantata Texts, Sacred and Secular. (Facsimile 1926) (Johann Sebastian Bach) Charles Sandford Terry - Paperback £22.50 Find out more
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Cesar Franck, Cinquieme Edition. (Facsimile 1910). (Cesar Franck). Vincent d'Indy - Paperback £9.50 Find out more
Code De Musique Pratique, Ou Methodes. (Facsimile 1760 Edition). Jean-Philippe Rameau - Paperback £9.58 Find out more
A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. Vol.4 of 5. [Facsimile of 1776 Edition of Volume 4.] Sir John Hawkins - Paperback £16.50 Find out more
Nachricht Von Georg Friedrich Handel's Lebensumstanden. (Faksimile 1784. Handel.) Karl Burney - Paperback £12.50 Find out more
A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. Vol.3 of 5. [Facsimile of 1776 Edition of Vol.3.] Sir John Hawkins - Paperback £16.50 Find out more
The Origin of the Family of Bach Musicians. Ursprung Der Musicalisch-Bachischen Familie. (Facsimile 1929). Charles Sandford Terry - Paperback £12.50 Find out more
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A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. Vol.1 of 5. [Facsimile of 1776 Edition of Vol.1.] Sir John Hawkins - Paperback £14.99 Find out more
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Sims Reeves, Fifty Years of Music in England. [Facsimile of 1924 Edition] Charles Pearce - Paperback £12.50 Find out more
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Substance of Several Courses of Lectures on Music. (Facsimile of 1831 Edition). William Crotch - Paperback £14.50 Find out more
Nekrolog or Obituary Notice of Johann Sebastian Bach. Translated with an Introduction, Notes and Two Appendices by Walter Emery. (Facsimile of Autograph Translator's Manuscript). 3 authors - Paperback £14.95 Find out more
Bach's Chorals. Part 3 - The Hymns and Hymn Melodies of the Organ Works. [Facsimile of 1921 Edition, Part III]. Charles Sanford Terry - Paperback £14.95 Find out more
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Bach's Chorals. Part 2 - The Hymns and Hymn Melodies of the Cantatas and Motetts. [Facsimile of 1917 Edition, Part II]. Charles Sanford Terry - Paperback £19.95 Find out more
A Treatise of Musick. Speculative, Practical and Historical. [Facsimile of First Edition, 1721, Music.] Alexander Malcolm - Hardback £24.90 Find out more
A Collection of Testimonies Concerning Several Ministers of the Gospel Amongst People Called Quakers, Deceased. [Facsimile of 1760 Edition]. Anon - Hardback £11.58 Find out more
Versuch Einer Geschichte Des Clavierbaues. (Faksimile 1853). Joseph Fischhof - Paperback £9.55 Find out more
The Present State of Music in France and Italy. [Facsimile of 1771 Edition]. Charles Burney - Hardback £20.56 Find out more
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A Compendium of Practical Musick in Five Parts, Together with Lessons for Viols Christopher Simpson - Hardback £19.95 Find out more
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The Life of Johannes Brahms. Revised, Second Edition. (Volume 2). Florence May - Paperback £10.80 Find out more
A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. Vol.2 of 5. [Facsimile of 1776 Edition of Vol.2.] Sir John Hawkins - Paperback £16.50 Find out more
The Life of Johannes Brahms. Revised, Second Edition. (Volume 1). Florence May - Paperback £10.80 Find out more