Outrageous Fortune
Roger Keyes - Paperback
A Nation in Arms
Ian F W Beckett - Paperback
RFC Communiques 1918
Christopher Cole - Paperback
44 (R.M.) Commando
Tony MacKenzie - Hardback
Victorian Military Campaigns
Brian Bond - Paperback
Atlantic Roulette
Morris Beckman - Hardback
Only the Enemy in Front
Richard Doherty - Paperback
Illustrated History of the BEF, Western from 1914-18
Peter Simkins - Paperback
Monty's Marauders
Patrick Delaforce - Paperback
Wool, War and Westminster
Sir Paul Bryan - Paperback
Peter T Scott - Hardback
With Wellington in the Pyrenees
FC Beatson - Paperback
War Underground
Alexander Barrie - Paperback
Armoured Odyssey
Stuart Hamilton - Hardback
Red Crown-Dragon
Epic Actions of the First World War
R W Gould - Paperback
Mercenaries of the Napoleonic War
Robert W Gould - Paperback
Monty's Highlanders
The Story of Cawnpore
Mowbray Thomson - Paperback
Hot Blood and Cold Steel
Andy Simpson - Paperback
RFC Communiques 1915-16