Melusine of Lusignan and the Cult of the Faery Woman
Gareth Knight - Paperback
The Secret Tradition in Arthurian Legend
To the Heart of the Rainbow
Both Sides of the Door
3 authors - Paperback
Beyond the Sun
Nick Farrell - Paperback
A History of White Magic
Gwenevere and the Round Table
Wendy Berg - Paperback
The Romance of the Faery Melusine
2 authors - Paperback
Immortal Jaguar
Hugh Fox - Paperback
du Lac
Alan Richardson - Paperback
The Forgotten Faith
Anthony Duncan - Paperback
Dion Fortune and the Lost Secrets of the West
The Fairy Realm
Ronan Coghlan - Paperback
Magical Images and the Magical Imagination
Experience of the Inner Worlds
Kaleidoscopic Omniscience
Will Alexander - Paperback
Letters of Light
William G Gray - Paperback
Liber Nox
Michael Howard - Paperback
Paul Sédir - Paperback
To Think without Fear
Song of the Sea God
Chris Hill - Paperback
The Lost Art of Potato Breeding
Rebsie Fairholm - Paperback
Diary as Sin
...And Egypt is the River
Michael S Judge - Paperback
Before the Dawn
Rupert Copping - Paperback
Learning to Draw / a History
Basil King - Paperback
The House of the Net
The Christ, Psychotherapy and Magic
Anthony D Duncan - Paperback
Merlin and the Grail Tradition
Pierre Joris - Paperback
Dion Fortune's Rites of Isis and of Pan
The Cult of Seizure
Rikki Ducornet - Paperback
The Sacred Stone Circles of Stanton Drew
Gordon Strong - Paperback
The Magical Battle of Britain
Dion Fortune - Paperback
Weaver in the Sluices
Daniel Staniforth - Paperback
Christ & Qabalah
Red Tree, White Tree
Earth God Risen
On Winsley Hill
Foam of the past
Fiona Macleod - Paperback
Esoteric Training in Everyday Life
The Way of Magic
Working with Inner Light
Seasonal occult rituals
Interlocutors of Paradise
Martin Anderson - Paperback
The Savoy Truffle
Patrick Harpur - Paperback
Groundlings of Divine Will
This Wretched Splendour/Wild with All Regrets
Rebecca Wilby - Paperback
Mike Harris - Paperback
Something's Wrong with the Cornfields
Margaret Randall - Paperback
The Talking Tree
Depths and Dragons
The Chronicles of the Sidhe
Steve Blamires - Paperback
Stewart Farrar
Stoning the Devil
Garry Craig Powell - Paperback
At the Gates of Dawn
Ella Young - Paperback
The Abbey Papers
Suicide Bridge
Iain Sinclair - Paperback
Sparks from the Cosmic Flame
The Magical World of the Inklings
Yours Very Truly - Gareth Knight
The Little Book of the Great Enchantment
Magical Imagination
The Signatory
Kirk Marshall - Paperback
The Rollright Ritual
The Dream of the Black Topaze Chamber
By Names and Images
Peregrin Wildoak - Paperback
The Testament of Merlin
Theophile Briant - Paperback
The Old Sod
Geordie's War
In Different Skies
The Irish Celtic Magical Tradition
Faversham's Dream
I, Universe
Darryl Sloan - Paperback
The Passenger
Richard Froude - Paperback
Faery Loves and Faery Lais
Visions of the Drowning Man
Dee Sunshine - Paperback
The Fat Git
Antiphonal Airs
Joseph Noble - Paperback
The Curve of the Land
Diana Durham - Paperback
The Faery Gates of Avalon
Tarot and Magic
Diary of a Busker
Marvin B Naylor - Paperback
Lud Heat