Exorcism, Illness and Demons in an Ancient Near Eastern Context Susanne Beck - Paperback £40.00 Find out more
Household goods in the European Medieval and Early Modern Countryside 2 contributors - Hardback £120.00 Find out more
Making a Neolithic Non-megalithic Monument - Catalogue 3 contributors - Hardback £245.00 Find out more
The Indigenous Peoples of Trinidad and Tobago from the first settlers until today Arie Boomert - Paperback £45.00 Find out more
Bridging Social and Geographical Space through Networks Helen Dawson - Paperback £25.00 Find out more
Change and Continuity at the Roman Coastal Fort at Oudenburg from the Late 2nd until the Early 5th Century AD Sofie Vanhoutte - Hardback £120.00 Find out more
Local Communities in the Big World of Prehistoric Northwest Europe 4 contributors - Paperback £35.00 Find out more