Maestro Evarista's Orchestra
Raquel Bonita - Hardback
It's Raining Cats and Dogs!
Marie-Eve Tremblay - Hardback
A Feast Beneath the Moon
2 authors - Hardback
Music All Around
The Four Seasons of the Pipa
Brilliant Plan! Volume 3
Sing Out!
Sophie Casson - Hardback
The Hummingbird Sings and Dances
Mariana Ruiz Johnson - Hardback
Curiosity Killed the Cat! Volume 2
Songs in the Shade of the Cashew and Coconut Trees
Nathalie Soussana - Hardback
Some Creatures Have All the Luck!
That's My Piano, Sir!
We Are All Ears! Volume 1
Songs on the Vanilla Trail
Picnic in the Sun
3 authors - Hardback
Songs from the Baobab
Sleep Softly
A Delicious Taste of Mozzarella!
A Gift for Sophie
Animal Musicians
Rockin' the Bayou Down in Louisiana!
Ba Krieger - Hardback
Free to Be Me
Harris Aaron and Julie - Hardback
Songs in the Shade of the Olive Tree
Amondo, Son of the Baobab
Helene DuCharme - Hardback
The Piano
Joaquin Camp - Hardback
Songs from a Journey with a Parrot
Magdeleine Lerasle - Hardback
Summer Moonlight Concert
Han Han - Hardback
Glory Days in New Orleans!
Tomorrow Is a Chance to Start Over
Hilary Grist - Hardback
I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly
PisHier - Hardback
My Music Box
Songs in the Shade of the Oak Tree
Grand Chief Salamoo Cook Is Coming to Town!
Tomson Highway - Hardback
Songs in the Shade of the Cherry Tree