The Shamus Winners
Agent Robert J Randisi - Paperback
Hollywood and Crime
Max Gersh - Paperback
Her Father's Daughter
John C Boland - Paperback
The Paris Manuscript
Joseph Goodrich - Paperback
Long Pig
James L Ross - Paperback
Scream Queen And Other Tales of Menace
Ed Gorman - Paperback
Noir 13
Promises Made and Broken
Christine Matthews - Paperback
Hunts Point
Uriel E Gribetz - Paperback
South of Sunset
The Margin
Brokered Death
Unusual Suspects
2 authors - Paperback
Death In Jerusalem
Rich Man's Blood
My Life With Ellery Queen
Rose Koppel Dannay - Paperback
The Spy Who Knew Nothing
Death in Budapest
Blood Relations
Black Hills Reckoning
Jesse James Kennedy - Paperback
Suppose There Is Nothing
Ellery Queen
Professor Francis M Nevins - Paperback
The Man Who Knew Brecht