History of the Manchester Regiment (63rd and 96th Regiments): Volumes I (1758-1883) and II (1883-1922) H C Colonel Wylly - Paperback £48.00 Find out more
Historical Records of the 20th (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Infantry Brownlow's Punjabis 1909-1922 n/a - Paperback £18.00 Find out more
Series of Military Experiments of Attack and Defence 1806 John Russell - Paperback £14.50 Find out more
History of the Manchester Regiment (63rd and 96th Regiments) H C Colonel Wylly - Hardback £78.00 Find out more
Exercise of the Small Arms and Great Guns for the Seamen on Board His Majesty's Ships (1778) n/a - Paperback £11.50 Find out more
Historical Record and Regimental Memoir of the Royal Scots Fusiliers James Clark - Paperback £18.95 Find out more
Boy in the Peninsular War, the Services, Adventures, and Experiences of Robert Blackeney Subaltern in the 28th Regiment Robert Blakeney - Paperback £14.50 Find out more
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Rules and Regulations for the Formations, Field-Exercise and Movements of His Majesty's Forces (1792) War Office Printed 1792 - Hardback £39.50 Find out more
Few Observations on the Mode of Attack and Employment of the Heavy Artillery at Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz in 1812 and St. Sebastian in 1813 John May - Paperback £11.50 Find out more
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CORNWALLIS PAPERSThe Campaigns of 1780 and 1781 in The Southern Theatre of the American Revolutionary War Vol 1 Ian Saberton - Paperback £28.00 Find out more
A Cavalry Officer in the Corunna Campaign 1808-1809 H C Colonel Wylly - Paperback £14.50 Find out more
1st and 2nd Battalions the Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) in the Great War H C Colonel Wylly - Paperback £22.00 Find out more
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History of the Queen's Royal (West Surrey) Regiment (in the Great War) H C Colonel Wylly - Paperback £22.00 Find out more
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Sir Charles Oman's History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages Vol 1 Sir Charles William Oman - Paperback £22.50 Find out more
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Historical Record of the Forty-fourth, or the East Essex Regiment of Foot Thomas Carter - Paperback £12.95 Find out more
Rules and Regulations for the Formations, Field-exercise and Movements of His Majesty's Forces (1792) 2 authors - Paperback £18.00 Find out more
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CORNWALLIS PAPERSThe Campaigns of 1780 and 1781 in The Southern Theatre of the American Revolutionary War Vol 5 Ian Saberton - Paperback £28.00 Find out more
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Record of a Regiment of the Line (the 1st Battalion,Devonshire Regiment During the Boer War,1899-1902) M Jackson - Paperback £18.00 Find out more
Biographa Navalis or Impartial Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of Officers of the Navy of Great Britain 1660-1798 John Charnock - Paperback £85.00 Find out more