Lee Miller at Farley Farm
Ian Chance - Paperback
Roland Penrose's Surrealist Camera
2 authors - Hardback
Roland Penrose
Antony Penrose - Paperback
Love Letters Bound in Gold Handcuffs
Picasso at Play
Home Guard Manual of Camouflage
Roland Penrose - Hardback
Surrealist Weekends.
Lee Miller. Fashion in Wartime Britain
Lee Miller, A life with Food, Friends and Recipes
Ami Bouhassane - Paperback
Annabel Moeller: Friends to Frontiers
Annabel Moeller - Hardback
Grim Glory.
The Home of the Surrealists
Antony Penrose - Hardback
Surrealist Lee Miller
The Road is Wider Than Long
Summer of 1937 - Lee Miller / Roland Penrose