Outcomes and Impact
3 authors - Paperback
Rethinking Monitoring and Evaluation
Measuring the Process
Civil Society in Action
Power and Partnership?
Rick James - Paperback
Changing Expectations?
Brian Pratt - Paperback
Governance, Democracy and Conditionality
Andrew Clayton - Paperback
Civil Society and the War on Terror
2 authors - Paperback
Financial Management for Development
John Cammack - Paperback
NGOs, Civil Society and the State
Sharpening the Development Process
Oliver Bakewell - Paperback
NGO Responses to Urban Poverty
NGOs and the State in the 21st Century
7 authors - Paperback
Knowledge, Power and Development Agendas
Emma Mawdsley - Paperback
Capacity Building for NGOs
Strengthening the Capacity of NGOs
Caroline Sahley - Paperback
People and Change
The Development of Civil Society in Central Asia
Institutional Development and NGOs in Africa
Demystifying Organisational Development
Creativity and Constraint
Lucy Earle - Paperback
Autonomy or Dependence?
Vicky Mancuso Brehm - Paperback
Evaluating Empowerment
Peter Oakley - Paperback
NGO Coordination at Field Level
Jon Bennett - Paperback
Capacity Building Framework
NGOs and Governments
NGOs Engaging with Business
Simon Heap - Paperback
Fragile States
Ali Fayyad - Paperback
Direct Funding from a Southern Perspective
INTRAC - Paperback