The Devil's Delusion, A Discussion Guide
2 authors - Paperback
Alfred Russel Wallace
Michael T Flannery - Paperback
Why is a Fly Not a Horse?
Giuseppe Sermonti - Paperback
The Myth of Junk DNA
Professor Jonathan Wells - Paperback
Are We Spiritual Machines?
Jay W Richards - Paperback
Taking Leave of Darwin
Neil Thomas - Paperback
The Miracle of the Cell
Michael Denton - Paperback
Traipsing into Evolution
3 authors - Paperback
Darwin's Conservatives
John G West - Paperback
Getting the Facts Straight
Discovery Institute - Paperback
Science and Human Origins
The Long War Ahead and the Short War Upon Us
John Wohlstetter - Paperback
Canceled Science
Eric Hedin - Paperback
Non-Computable You
Robert J Marks - Paperback
The Deniable Darwin & Other Essays
David Berlinski - Hardback
God and Evolution
The Deniable Darwin and Other Essays
David Berlinski - Paperback
Signature of Controversy
David Klinghoffer - Paperback
Marcos Eberlin - Paperback
The Magician's Twin
A Mousetrap for Darwin
Michael J Behe - Paperback
Darwinian Racism
Richard Weikart - Paperback
Against All Terrors
Philip Gold - Paperback
Evolution and Intelligent Design in a Nutshell
Human Nature
Animal Algorithms
Eric Cassell - Paperback
The Case for Killer Robots
The Miracle of Man
Darwin's Bluff
Robert Shedinger - Paperback