deCoubertin Books publisher
deCoubertin Books was founded in 2009. Over the following 12 years it published around 100 titles by a distinguished community of international athletes, managers and media. They shared a combined 431 international caps, 20 English league titles, 11 FA Cups, 5 European Cups, 2 World Cup wins as well as Serie A, Bundesliga, SPL and Footballer of the Year medals. They played for or managed clubs including Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool, Everton, Manchester City, AC Milan, Borussia Dortmund, AS Roma, Real Madrid, Rangers and Fiorentina. They include journalists, contributors and broadcasters from virtually every significant news organisation in the UK and beyond. deCoubertin authors were shortlisted on ten occasions for Sports Book of the Year awards and long listed for the William Hill Sports Book prize, the richest sportswriting prize in the world. In 2023 Mount Vernon Publishing acquired deCoubertin.