The Dream Revisited
2 contributors - Paperback
Heidegger's Black Notebooks
François Hartog - Hardback
Crisis Under Critique
2 contributors - Hardback
Art and Posthistory
2 authors - Paperback
The Voice Over
Maria Stepanova - Paperback
Music, Math, and Mind
Professor David Sulzer - Paperback
Global Intellectual History
Spencer Lucas - Paperback
Film, a Sound Art
Michel Chion - Paperback
Sacred Kingship in World History
Marseille, Port to Port
William Kornblum - Paperback
Cities of the Dead
Joseph Roach - Paperback
The Brain and Pain
Richard Ambron - Paperback
China's Green Religion
James Miller - Paperback
Fascist Mythologies
Federico Finchelstein - Paperback
What Would Nature Do?
Ruth DeFries - Paperback
An I-Novel
Minae Mizumura - Paperback
François Laruelle - Hardback
For His Eyes Only
Lisa Funnell - Paperback
Fabio Parasecoli - Paperback
Proust Between Two Centuries
Antoine Compagnon - Hardback
Tom Lutz - Paperback
Longing and Other Stories
Junichiro Tanizaki - Paperback
Kim Sowol - Hardback
Running Wild
The Best American Magazine Writing 2020
Sid Holt - Paperback
Measuring the Effects of Racism
Great Minds Don’t Think Alike
Marcelo Gleiser - Paperback
Factory of Strategy
Antonio Negri - Paperback
Political Categories
Michael Marder - Hardback
To the Stars and Other Stories
Susanne Fusso - Paperback
Paul Thagard - Hardback
Post-Soviet Russia
Roy A Medvedev - Paperback
Between Men
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick - Paperback
Economy, Difference, Empire
Gary Dorrien - Hardback
Malaysian Crossings
Cheow Thia Chan - Paperback
Erotic Poems from the Sanskrit
R Parthasarathy - Hardback
Other Moons
Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari
Francois Dosse - Paperback
A Piece of the Action
Eithne Quinn - Paperback
Melanie Klein
Julia Kristeva - Paperback
Coping with the Climate Crisis
4 contributors - Hardback
Regimes of Historicity
François Hartog - Paperback
Making Sense of the Alt-Right
George Hawley - Paperback
Spring and Autumn Historiography
Newell Ann Van Auken - Hardback
Modernity and the Text
The New Censorship
Joel Simon - Paperback
Dostoyevsky, or The Flood of Language
Julia Kristeva - Hardback
The Green Marble
David Turner - Hardback
Rahel Jaeggi - Paperback
Social Acceleration
Hartmut Rosa - Paperback
The Playful Crowd
2 authors - Hardback
Tom Alberg - Hardback
Prison Notebooks
Antonio Gramsci - Paperback
Transgender 101
Nicholas M Teich - Paperback
Economic Thought
Heinz D Kurz - Paperback
Nam-nyong Paek - Paperback
Dispossession and the Environment
Paige West - Paperback
The Columbia History of American Television
Gary Edgerton - Paperback
Richard Kearney - Paperback
Uncreative Writing
Kenneth Goldsmith - Paperback
Fandango and Other Stories
Alexander Grin - Hardback
Danger: Diabolik
Leon Hunt - Paperback
Maurizio Lazzarato - Paperback
The Preparation of the Novel
Roland Barthes - Hardback
International Politics and Film
The Digital Transformation Playbook
David Rogers - Hardback
Ulysses by Numbers
Eric Jon Bulson - Paperback
A Theory of Imperialism
A New Culture of Energy
Luce Irigaray - Paperback
The Most Important Thing Illuminated
Howard Marks - Hardback
Medieval Tastes
Massimo Montanari - Hardback
Adrian Parr - Paperback
The Future of Evangelicalism in America
Extreme Domesticity
Susan Fraiman - Paperback
Heritage Film
Belén Vidal - Paperback
Homeward from Heaven
Boris Poplavsky - Paperback
From Bomba to Hip-Hop
Juan Flores - Paperback
Hard Rain
Alessandro Portelli - Paperback
Emancipation After Hegel
Todd McGowan - Paperback
A Visit from the Goon Squad Reread
Ivan Kreilkamp - Paperback
Social Preconditions of National Revival in Europe
Miroslav Hroch - Paperback
The Old Man and the Wolves
Writing Women in Modern China
Amy Dooling - Hardback
A Hunger for Aesthetics
Michael Kelly - Hardback
Thomas Berry
3 authors - Paperback
Course in General Linguistics
Ferdinand de Saussure - Hardback
What Is a People?
6 authors - Hardback
A Hedonist Manifesto
Michel Onfray - Hardback
Mark C Taylor - Paperback
Scenes of Attention
Duchamp Is My Lawyer
Revolution in Poetic Language
Footprints of the Forest
William Balée - Paperback
Teresa, My Love