Islam and Open Society Fidelity and Movement in the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal Souleymane Bachir Diagne - Paperback £23.00 Find out more
Peasant Organisations and the Democratisation Process in Africa 2 contributors - Paperback £42.00 Find out more
African universities in the twenty-first Century: Volume 1 2 contributors - Paperback £48.00 Find out more
Coloniality of Power in Postcolonial Africa. Myths of Decolonization Sabelo J Ndlovu-Gatsheni - Paperback £31.00 Find out more
African universities in the twenty-first Century: Volume 2 2 contributors - Paperback £48.00 Find out more
Teaching and Learning in Context. Why Pedagogical Reforms Fail in Sub-Saharan Africa Richard Tabulawa - Paperback £28.00 Find out more
Development as Modernity, Modernity as Development Lwazi Siyabonga Lushaba - Paperback £24.00 Find out more
Negotiating the Livelihoods of Children and Youth in Africa's Urban Spaces Michael Bourdillon - Paperback £29.00 Find out more
Children's Agency and Development in African Societies Yaw Ofosu-Kusi - Paperback £27.00 Find out more
Litteratures Africaines Francophones des Annees 1980 et 1990 Lydie Moudileno - Paperback £14.00 Find out more
Integration Regionale, Democratie et Panafricanisme Alexis BA Adande - Paperback £22.95 Find out more
Federal Presence in Nigeria. The 'Sung' and 'Unsung' Basis for Ethnic Grievance 3 authors - Paperback £28.00 Find out more
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Africa and the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century. Keynote Addresses delivered at the 13th General Assembly of CODESRIA Ebrima Sall - Paperback £20.00 Find out more
Les Identites Regionales et la Dialectique Sud-Sud en Question Nadir Marouf - Paperback £25.95 Find out more
Framework and Tools for Environmental Management in Africa 2 authors - Paperback £32.00 Find out more
The Mobile City of Accra. Urban Families, Housing and Residential Practices 3 authors - Paperback £32.00 Find out more
Land and Agrarian Reform in Zimbabwe. Beyond White-Settler Capitalism 2 contributors - Paperback £36.00 Find out more
African Linguistics and the Development of African Communities Emmanuel N Chia - Paperback £32.00 Find out more
The Economic and Social Impact of Privatisation of State-owned Enterprises in Africa Mike Obadan - Paperback £23.00 Find out more
Environment, Agriculture and Cross-border Migrations Emmanuel Yenshu Vubo - Paperback £25.00 Find out more
Africa and the Disruptions of the Twenty-first Century Paul Tiyambe Zeleza - Paperback £32.00 Find out more
Indigenous Knowledge System and Intellectual Property Rights in the Twenty-First Century 2 contributors - Paperback £21.95 Find out more
Culture et religion en Afrique au seuil du XXIe siècle Issiaka-P Latoundji Lalèyê - Paperback £27.00 Find out more
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Peace, Security and Post-conflict Reconstruction in the Great Lakes Region of Africa Tukumbi Lumumba-Kasongo - Paperback £34.00 Find out more
Civil Society and the Search for Development Alternatives in Cameroon Emmanuel Yenshu Vudo - Paperback £29.00 Find out more
Academic Freedom and the Social Responsibilities of Academics in Tanzania Chachage Seithy L Chachage - Paperback £28.00 Find out more
Frontieres De La Citoyennete Et Violence Politique En Cote D'Ivoire 2 contributors - Paperback £20.95 Find out more
ECOWAS and the Dynamics of Conflict and Peace-building 3 contributors - Paperback £36.00 Find out more
African Researchers and Decision-makers. Building Synergy for Development Abdoulaye Ndiaye - Paperback £23.00 Find out more
L'enseignement supérieur au Cameroun depuis la réforme de 1993 2 contributors - Paperback £31.00 Find out more
Chercheurs et Decideurs D'Afrique Quelles Synergies Pour le Developpement? Abdoulaye Ndiaye - Paperback £23.00 Find out more
Trade and Industrial Development in Africa. Rethinking Strategy and Policy Theresa Moyo - Paperback £37.00 Find out more
Teacher Education Systems in Africa in the Digital Era 2 contributors - Paperback £31.00 Find out more