Slow Seasons: Festive Wreath Workshop

We're so excited that Rosie Steer is coming to the bookshop to run a festive wreath workshop in celebration of her recently published book, Slow Seasons: A Creative Guide to Reconnecting with Nature the Celtic Way.
You'll learn how to make a festive wreath with beautiful foliage from Edinburgh’s Ochre Botanical Studios, before you get to make your own to take home. You will learn how to make your re-usable wreath base and decorate your wreath with leaves, berries and seedheads grown locally at Ochre’s gorgeous garden in North Edinburgh.
Tickets cost £35 and include one place at the workshop, a copy of Slow Seasons (which you can get signed/dedicated at the workshop) and all the materials for your own festive wreath, as well as refreshments on the evening.
About Slow Seasons: A Creative Guide to Reconnecting with Nature the Celtic Way:
In her late-twenties, feeling utterly overwhelmed by the pace of modern city life, Rosie Steer found solace in the traditions she had been brought up with, influenced by her Scottish roots, that celebrated nature and observed the small steady shifts in the seasons.
The Celtic Wheel of the year is an ancient seasonal cycle that aligns with solar events – the solstices, equinoxes and their midpoints. For each mini-season, Rosie shares nature notes for what we can look out for as the days get warmer or cooler, the nights longer or shorter, alongside activities, things to make, flowers or fruit to forage, seasonal recipes to enjoy and a modern take on the traditional celebrations.
As the Wheel turns towards Yule on 22nd December, we can enjoy foraging foliage and pinecones to make Greenery garlands and wreaths, decorate and light a Yule candle to mark the shortest day of the year, and fill our homes with smells of citrus and spice making Festive fudge as a delicious homemade gift.
By slowing down and paying attention to the ebbs and flows of nature, we can find moments of calm whenever we need them.
Please note: Tickets for our events are non-refundable. Professional photography and videography may take place during this event. Thank you for your understanding.
Rosie Steer Author
Rosie Steer embraced slow-living and found solace in the ancient nature-centric traditions of the Celtic Wheel of the Year after suffering with her mental health. She set up her newsletter and platform on Instagram as a place to track small moments of joy through the seasons and fostered a loyal following in the process. She lives and works in Edinburgh. @everythinglooksrosie
The venue
The Portobello Bookshop
46 Portobello High Street
EH15 1DA
Telephone: 0131 629 6756
Wheelchair Access
We have a ramp at the front of the shop which has a ratio of 1:10 and loading capacity of 300kg, and so should be able to be used by most wheelchair users or those with mobility vehicles. The front doors are fully automated. Our shop interior is designed to allow access throughout for wheelchair users and prams, though please note there is only 700mm wide clearance to access the staff toilet.
We use a PA system to enhance the audio at our live events. We also have a hearing loop system installed, if you’d like to use our loop system during an event please let us know and we’ll make sure we have it set up and connected to the live audio feed during the event. If you wish to attend an event and require BSL interpretation, please give us a few weeks notice and we’ll do our best to arrange an interpreter.