Zoi Kaoudi Author & Editor

Zoi Kaoudi is a Senior Researcher in the DIMA group at the Technische Universitat Berlin (TUB). She has previously worked as a Scientist in the Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) of the Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar, in IMIS-Athena Research Center as a research associate, and Inria as a postdoctoral researcher. She received her Ph.D. from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 2011. Her research interests include cross-platform data processing, machine learning systems, and distributed RDF query processing andreasoning. Recently she has been the proceedings chair of EDBT 2019, co-chaired the TKD poster track co-located with ICDE 2018, and co-organized the MLDAS 2019 held in Qatar. She has co-authored articles in both database and Semantic Web communities and served as amember of a Program Committee for several international database conferences.Ioana Manolescu is a senior Inria researcher, and the lead of the CEDAR team (joint between Inria Saclay and the LIX lab of Ecole polytechnique) in France. The CEDAR team research focuses on rich data analytics at cloud scale. Ioana is a member of the PVLDB Endowment Board of Trustees and has served for four years (including as president) of the ACM SIGMOD Jim Gray Ph.D. dissertation committee. Recently, she has been a general chair of the IEEE ICDE 2018 conference, an associate editor for PVLDB 2017 and 2018, and the program chair of SSDBBM 2016. She has co-authored more than 130 articles in international journals and conferences, and contributed to several books. Her main research interests include data models and algorithms for computational fact-checking, performance optimizations for semi structured data and the Semantic Web, and distributed architectures for complex large data.Stamatis Zampetakis is an R&D engineer at TIBCO Orchestra Networks and a PMC member of Apache Calcite. Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Inria, from where he also received his Ph.D. in 2015. Before that, he worked in FORTH-ICS as a research assistant. His research interests are in the broad area of query optimization with emphasis on RDF query processing and visualization.