Zoe Cano Author

Zoe Cano was born in Hereford, England, in the wonderful '60s and has had the spirit for adventure traveling from an early age. In the 1980s, needing to find work and stand on her own two feet, she moved to Paris, bought a scooter, and lived there for a decade, working in the film industry and the international events business. For the next fifteen years, Zoe traveled extensively for diverse projects, taking her across the world into Europe, Asia, and the Americas. During this time, she resided in New York, and Boston. She eventually returned to England to continue working in events. Zoe started rowing competitively and took the challenge to skiff the entire length of the Thames from its source in the centre of England to Greenwich. She recently crossed the Peruvian Andes on horseback. She still travels extensively, often taking her beloved Triumph Bonneville motorbike. Zoe lives in West London, close to the river and never far from the next adventure.