Pulping and Papermaking of Nonwood Plant Fibers
3 contributors - Paperback
Z.M.A. Ainun works on the Program of Pulp and Paper and Pollution Control at the Laboratory of Biopolymer and Derivatives in the Institute of Tropical Forest and Forest Products (INTROP), Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia. S.M. Sapuan is a researcher and Professor of Composite Materials in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing, at the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). He is also Head of the Laboratory of Biocomposite Technology, INTROP, UPM. He has a BEng in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Newcastle, Australia, an MSc in Engineering Design from Loughborough University, UK and PhD in Material Engineering from De Montfort University, UK. He is a Professional Engineer, and a Fellow of the Society of Automotive Engineers; the Academy of Science Malaysia; the Plastic and Rubber Institute Malaysia; the Malaysian Scientific Association and the Institute of Materials Malaysia. He is an Honorary Member and past Vice President of the Asian Polymer Association based in IIT Delhi and Founding Chairman and Honorary Member of the Society of Sugar Palm Development and Industry, Malaysia. He is co-editor-in-chief of Functional Composites and Structures, and a member of the editorial boards of more than two dozen journals. R.A. Ilyasis aSeniorLecturerat theSchool of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UniversitiTeknologiMalaysia, Malaysia. In 2012, he received his Diploma in Forestry from Universiti Putra Malaysia, Bintulu Campus (UPMKB), Sarawak, Malaysia. That same year, he was awarded the Public Service Department (JPA) scholarship to pursue hisBSc inChemical Engineering at UPM and then, in 2016, he was awarded the Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) by UPM to undertake a PhD degree in the field ofBiocompositeTechnology & Design at the Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products (INTROP) UPM. Dr. Ilyas was the recipient of the 2019 MVP Doctor of Philosophy Gold Medal Award UPM, that followed Best PhD Thesis and Top Student Awards. In 2018, he was also awarded a National Book Award, an Outstanding Reviewer Award by 'Carbohydrate Polymers', Elsevier (United Kingdom), a Best Paper Award at the 11th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Energy Engineering, a Best Paper Award at the 2019 Seminar EnauKebangsaan,PersatuanPembangunan dan Industri Enau (Malaysia). In 2019, he was included in the list of theworld’s top 2% scientists by Stanford University andreceived a 2021 PERINTIS Publication Award byPersatuanSaintisMuslim (Malaysia). His main research interests are in the fields of polymer engineering (biodegradable polymers, biopolymers, polymer composites, polymer gels) and materials engineering (natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites, biocomposites, cellulose materials, nanocomposites). To date, he has authored or coauthored more than 250 publications: 92 journal articles indexed in JCR/Scopus, 14 books, 69 book chapters, 51 conference proceedings/seminars, 2 research bulletins, 10 conference papers, and guest edited 6 journal special issues, as well as edited/coedited conference/seminar proceedings on green materials.