Small Volume Biopsy in Pediatric Tumors
3 contributors - Paperback
Jerzy Klijanienko received his medical degree from the Medical University in Wroclaw, Poland in 1984 and a degree in anatomical and cytopathological pathology from the University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France in 1987. In 2001, he completed his qualification in Oncology. As a visiting pathologist, Dr. Klijanienko worked at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA and at the Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, USA. From 1991-1992, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas, Anderson Cancer Center. Since 1992, Dr. Klijanienko has been working at the Clinic for Cytopathology and Pathology, Institute Curie, Paris, France. In 2011 he obtained a title of Associate Professor at ICMP in Łódź, Poland. Amongst others, he is a member of the European Society of Pathology, the American Association on Cancer Research and the International Academy of Cytology, and has authored two pathology books and more than 160 scientific publications.
Dr. Živa Pohar Marinšek graduated from the Medical Faculty in Ljubljana, Slovenia, where she also obtained her degree as a specialist in cytopathology in 1987. She completed her doctor`s degree in pathology in 2001. Since the beginning of her training in cytopathology, she has worked for the Department of Cytopathology, Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana. She served as the head of the department from 2005 until 2015, carrying on the tradition in cytopathology that was started at the Institute of Oncology in 1957. She was also the president of the Slovenian Society of Cytopathology for eight years and vice president of the organizing committee for the 24th European Congress of Cytology in 1979. She was a member of the Scientific Committee at the European Federation of Cytology Societies from 1996-1999. In addition to routine diagnostic work, she has also been involved in education at the graduate and postgraduate levels, as well as in research focused mainly on the cytology of childhood and soft tissue tumors. She has published over 15 articles on these two subjects as well as several articles on various other aspects of fine needle aspiration.
Henryk Adam Domanski received his medical degree from the Medical University Wroclaw, Poland in 1982 and degree in anatomical pathology and cytology from the Medical Faculty Lund, Sweden in 1990. He completed his PhD degree in 2005 and became an Associate Professor of Pathology in 2009. Dr. Domanski was the director of the Department Pathology and Cytology, Lund University Hospital 2001-2008 and currently acts as a coordinator of the cytology service, University and Regional Laboratories Region Skåne, Sweden. Among others he is a member of the International Academy of Cytology, the Scandinavian Sarcoma Group and serves as the vice-president of the Swedish Society of Clinical cytology. Dr. Domanski has published more than 100 scientific publications and is the editor of the “Atlas of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (Springer 2014).