Zinhle Mncube Editor

David Ludwig is an associate professor in the "Knowledge, Technology and Innovation" Group of Wageningen University and Research (Netherlands). His work combines philosophy of science and transdisciplinary research in addressing epistemological, ontological, political challenges in scientific practice.

Inkeri Koskinen is a senior research fellow at Tampere University (Finland), and a member of the Centre for Philosophy of Social Science (TINT). She works on scientific objectivity, democratisation of scientific knowledge production, social and cognitive diversity in science, demarcation, and philosophy of the humanities.

Zinhle Mncube is a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Johannesburg and a PhD student in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge. She works on issues related to personalising medicine, the role of genes in phenotypes, and philosophy of race, broadly construed.

Luana Poliseli is a postdoctoral researcher at the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI), Austria. Her work approaches general philosophical questions through empirical knowledge of particular sciences, including themes of visualization and imagination in scientific understanding; mechanistic explanation; model-building; and knowledge production for sustainability sciences.

Luis Reyes-Galindo is an independent researcher and an associate editor for the journal Tapuya.His research includes the sociology of science and technology, scientific communication and open access publishing, and the role of experts in policy making.