Zhongyu Lu Editor & Author


Meenu Gupta is an Associate Professor at the UIE-CSE Department, Chandigarh University, India. She completed her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering with an emphasis on Traffic Accident Severity Problems from Ansal University, Gurgaon, India, in 2020. She has more than 15 years of teaching experience. Her research areas cover Computational Techniques, Intelligent Systems, and Data mining, with a specific interest in Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing and Analysis, Smart Cities, Data Analysis, and Human/Brain-machine Interaction (BMI). She has five edited and four authored books to her credit and has also written over 20 book chapters and 150+ papers in refereed international journals and conferences. Dr. Gupta has five filled patents and was awarded the Best Faculty of the Department and Best Researcher awards in 2021 and 2022. She also chaired many conferences and was the convener and organizer of IEEE and AIP conferences.

Rakesh Kumar is a Professor at the UIE-CSE Department, Chandigarh University, India. He completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar in 2017. He has more than 19 years of teaching experience and his research interests are IoT, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing. He has published many authored books with reputed publishers and works as a reviewer for several journals, including Big Data, CMC, Scientific Reports, and TSP. He has authored or co-authored more than 100 publications in various national and international conferences and journals, has chaired many conferences, and was the convener and organizer of IEEE and AIP conferences.

Zhongyu Lu is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and is the research group leader of Information and System Engineering (ISE) in the Centre of High Intelligent Computing (CHIC), having previously been team leader in the IT department of Charlesworth Group Publishing Company. She successfully led and completed two research projects in XML database systems and document processing in collaboration with Beijing University. Both systems were deployed as part of company commercial productions. Professor Lu is UKCGE Recognized Research Supervisor (UK Council of Postgraduate Education) and has published 11 academic books and more than 200 peer reviewed academic papers. Professor Lu has acted as the founder and program chair for the International XML Technology Workshop for 11 years and serves as Chair of various international conferences. She is the founder and Editor in Chief of International Journal of Information Retrieval Research.