Machine Learning for Social and Behavioral Research
3 authors - Paperback
Dr. Arun Kumar Sangaiah received his Master of Engineering from Anna University and Ph.D. from VIT University, India. He is currently as a Professor at the School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India. His areas of research interest include machine learning, Internet of Things, Sustainable Computing. Moreover, he has holding visiting professor positions in China, France, Japan, South Korea. Further, he has been visited many research centers and universities in China, Japan, France, Singapore and South Korea for join collaboration towards research projects and publications. Dr. Sangaiah’s outstanding scientific production spans over 200+ contributions published in high standard ISI journals, such as IEEE-TII, IEEE-Communication Magazine, IEEE Systems and IEEE IoT. In addition, he has authored/edited 8 books (Elsevier, Springer and others) and edited 50 special issues in reputed ISI journals, such as IEEE-Communication Magazine, IEEE-TII, IEEE-IoT, ACM transaction on Intelligent Systems and Technology etc. He has also registered one Indian patent in the area of Computational Intelligence. His Google Scholar Citations reached 5000+ with h-index: 40+ and i10-index: 150+. Further, Dr. Sangaiah is responsible for EiC, Editorial Board Member and Associate Editor of many reputed ISI journals.Finally, he has received many awards that includes,Chinese Academy of Sciences-PIFI overseas visiting scientist award, UPEC-France Visiting Scholar award, Carrers-360 Top-10 Outstanding Researchers award and etc. Prof. Zhiyong Zhang received his Master, Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Dalian University of Technology and Xidian University, respectively. He was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Xi'an Jiaotong University, China. He is currently a full Henan Province Distinguished Professor and Dean with Department of Computer Science, College of Information Engineering, Henan University of Science & Technology. Prof. Zhang is a visiting professor of Computer Science Department, Iowa State University. He is an ACM Senior Member, IEEE Senior Member, IEEE Systems, Man, Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on Soft Computing, World Federation on Soft Computing Young Researchers Committee, Membership for Digital Rights Management Technical Specialist Workgroup Attached to China National Audio, Video, Multimedia System and Device Standardization Technologies Committee. Prof. Zhang’s research interests include multimedia social networks and digital rights management, applied soft computing, trusted computing, as well as security risk management. He has published over 80 scientific papers and four books on the above research fields, and held 8 granted patents. Michael Sheng is a full Professor and Head of Department of Computing at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. Before moving to Macquarie University, Michael spent 10 years at School of Computer Science, the University of Adelaide (UoA). Prof. Sheng has more than 400 publications as edited books and proceedings, refereed book chapters, and refereed technical papers in journals and conferences. He is ranked by Microsoft Academic as one of the Top Authors in Services Computing (ranked the 5th of All Time worldwide). He is the recipient of the AMiner Most Influential Scholar Award on IoT (2007-2017), ARC Future Fellowship (2014), Chris Wallace Award for Outstanding Research Contribution (2012), and Microsoft Research Fellowship (2003).