1-Dimensional Metal Oxide Nanostructures
Zainovia Lockman - Paperback
Zainovia Lockman is a lecturer of Materials Engineering at the School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering (SMMRE), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). She graduated from Imperial College London in 1999 with a first-class honours degree in Materials Science and Engineering. She received her PhD in 2003 from Imperial College London as well majoring in electronics material (superconductors). After receiving her PhD, Dr. Lockman worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Imperial College before moving to University of Cambridge, UK, working on thin film and nanostructured oxides. Her main interest has since revolved around thin film oxide fabrication via oxidation method for various electronic devices. Upon joining USM in 2004, Dr. Lockman and her research team at SMMRE have focused on electronic semiconducting oxide. In 2006, she went for a long research attachment at University of Cambridge to start on anodic oxidation process for photocatalytic TiO2 nanotubes formation. Dr Lockman is now leading the Nanomaterials Niche Area at SMMRE. Her research team, Green Electronic Nanomaterials Group, has been working on synthesis of oxide nanomaterials (nanotubular, nanowires, nanoparticles and nanopores) for environment protection, energy generation, saving, and transfer (i.e., nanomaterials for green technology). The team has many outstanding achievements portrayed by the vast numbers of research publications in notable, international journals, chapter in books, and research grants awarded. Dr. Lockman is a recipient of Nippon Sheet Glass Foundation Japan award, Malaysian Solid State Science and Technology Society (MASS) award for Young Researcher, Young Scientist Award, Springer, L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science Award, and United Kingdom Prime Minister's Initiative 2 for International Education (PMI 2) award through Imperial College London. Her research group has also has done various outreach programmes to secondary schools and has helped in community projects for enhancing scientific interest among locals. Dr. Lockman is an active member of Young Scientist Network - Academy of Sciences Malaysia, treasurer for the Microscopy Society Malaysia, and a committee member for Malaysia Nanotechnology Association. She is supervising 13 postgraduate students and graduated 23 since 2006.