Preaching and the Theological Imagination
2 contributors - Hardback
Zachary Guiliano is a doctoral candidate in medieval history at St. John’s College (Cambridge) and a Gates Cambridge Scholar (2012–2015). His research focuses on patristic and early medieval biblical interpretation, preaching, and religious life, especially on the uses of the Homiliary of Paul the Deacon in the Carolingian era. He is co-editor with Charles Stang of The Open Body: Essays in Anglican Ecclesiology (Peter Lang, 2012) and the author of articles in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Studia Patristica, and The Living Church. He is also editor of the Covenant weblog.
Cameron E. Partridge is Lecturer and Counselor for Episcopal and Anglican Students at Harvard Divinity School and the Episcopal Chaplain at Boston University. He received his ThD from Harvard Divinity School, focusing on conceptions of embodiment, Christology, and asceticism in patristic and contemporary Christian theology. He is the author of essays in The Open Body: Essays in Anglican Ecclesiology (Peter Lang, 2012) and Theology and Sexuality (forthcoming).