Yvonne Daly Author & Editor

Dr Vicky Conway is a lecturer at the School of Law in Queen's University Belfast and a member of the Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice. She lectures on evidence law, criminology theory and restorative justice and is the author of The Blue Wall of Silence: The Morris Tribunal and Police Accountability in Ireland. Dr Yvonne Daly is a lecturer at the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University and a member of the Socio-Legal Research Centre. She lectures in criminal law, the law of evidence and constitutional law and has published widely on matters of criminal justice and procedure. Jennifer Schweppe is a lecturer at the School of Law at the University of Limerick and a member of the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies. She lectures constitutional law to undergraduate students, and criminal procedure at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She is the course director of the PhD in Criminal Justice at UL.