Yves Tramblay Editor

Mehrez Zribi is Director of Research at CNRS/France. He received Ph.D. degree in 1998 from the University of Toulouse, France. Since October 2008, he has been with the Centre d’Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphère, Toulouse. His research interests include land surface characterization for hydrology applications, remote sensing signal processing, and airborne microwave instrumentation. Mehrez Zribi has published 125 papers in peer-reviewed journals and has coordinated publication of 20 books about remote sensing for land surfaces. He serves as an editorial board member for several journals and coordinate several international and french research projects. He is deputy director of CESBIO laboratory. Luca Brocca is Director of Research at CNR-IRPI. He received Ph.D. degree in 2008 in Civil Engineering from the University of Perugia, Italy. His main research interest lies in developing innovative methods for exploiting satellite observations in hydrological applications, such as floods and landslides, drought and agriculture. He has been the author and co-author of 200+ papers in peer-reviewed journals and proceedings (7000+ citations), 10 regional and global datasets of soil moisture and rainfall, and 6 software for hydrological applications. He serves as an editorial board member for several journals and he actively participates as the Principal Investigator (PI) and co-PI on several research projects within the frame of Italian, European and International programmes. Yves Tramblay completed a Ph.D. in 2008 in Hydrology at the National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS) of Québec, Canada. Since 2013 he has been working for the French Institute of Research for Development, in the HydroSciences Montpellier laboratory. His research focuses on hydrological hazards in the Mediterranean region such as heavy rainfall, floods and droughts, with the goals to improve the modelling of these events in semi- arid environments using statistical or process-based approaches. He also evaluates the climate change impacts on these hazards, with various downscaling methods adapted to the Mediterranean context. François Molle is Director of Research at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), France and has been seconded to the International Water Management Institute during ten years. He has 34 years of experience working on issues of water management, water governance and water policies. He is particularly interested in the study of hydro-social systems (river basin, irrigation schemes, aquifers,…) and his research activities concentrate on Southeast Asia, the Middle-East and North-Africa regions. He has authored 250+ publications, including 100 journal articles, book chapters, and edited volumes. He serves as an editorial board member for several journals and is co-editor in chief of Water Alternatives.