Yuri Yegorov Editor

Tessaleno Campos Devezas is an Associate Professor with Habilitation at the Engineering Faculty of the Atlântica – Instituto Universitário, Lisbon, Portugal, where he serves as the Director of Aeronautical Engineering and teaches and researches in the field of materials engineering, aeronautical engineering, energy systems, innovation and technology management, and technological forecasting. He is the author or co-author of various scientific papers published in peer-reviewed international scientific journals and the author or co-editor of 13 books.
João Carlos Correia Leitão is an Associate Professor with habilitation and the Director of the UBIExecutive, Business School at the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal. He further is a research fellow at the NECE Research Center in Business Sciences at UBI, and an Associate Researcher at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS), University of Lisbon, Portugal. Leitão is an external research fellow of the Center for Young and Family Enterprise (CYFE), Università Degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy. He is a prolific author and a series editor of the Springer book series Studies in Entrepreneurship, Structural Change, and Industrial Dynamics. Leitão is also an editorial board member of several international journals.
Yuri Yegorov is the Chair of Industry, Energy and Environment at the University of Vienna, Austria. He holds a PhD in mathematical physics from St. Petersburg University, Russia, and in Economics from UPF, Barcelona, Spain. Previously, he was a Visiting Researcher at Santa Fe Institute, USA. Yegorov worked at the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Maritime University of St.Petersburg, Russia (1987-1992), as Assistant Professor of Economics at University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain (1996-98), at the Central European University, Vienna, Austria (1998-2002), and at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria (2002-2007). His research focuses on markets for natural gas and dynamic optimization models.
Dmitry Chistilin is the President of the Simon Kuznets Institute for Selforganization and Development, Kyiv, Ukraine, and a Supervisor at the Center for Strategical Analysis of the Institute for the Analysis and Expertise of the VEB RF, in Moscow, Russia. He holds a PhD in economics from the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and taught courses on socioeconomic development and macroeconomic cycle theory at the Moscow State University, Russia.