Yuling Pan Editor & Author

Yuling Pan is Sociolinguist and Principal Researcher at the U.S. Census Bureau. Her numerous publications include Politeness in Chinese Face-to-face Interaction (Ablex, 2000), Professional Communication in International Settings (with Suzanne Scollon and Ron Scollon, Blackwell Publishing, 2002) and Politeness in Historical and Contemporary Chinese (with Daniel Z. Kadar, Continuum, 2011). Daniel Z. Kadar is Professor at the School of Music, Humanities and Media, University of Huddersfield. His recent books include Politeness in Historical and Contemporary Chinese (with Yuling Pan, Continuum), Politeness in East Asia (edited With Sara Mills, Cambridge University Press), Relational Rituals (Palgrave Macmillan), and Understanding Politeness (with Michael Haugh, Cambridge University Press).