Yulia Taratuhina Editor

Damianos P. Sakas is Associate Professor of the Department of Agribusiness and Supply Chain Management at the Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece. His research interests are strategic negotiation, strategic marketing, business communication, business modelling and simulation, and computational methods.
Dimitrios K. Nasiopoulos is a teaching personel, PhD, at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, Faculty of Economics and Technology, University of Peloponnese, Greece. His research interests include decision-making systems, business informatics, business modelling and simulation, dynamic simulation modelling, computational Methods, mathematical modeling and complex networks.

Yulia Taratuhina is the President of SIETAR Russia; Associate Professor, PhD, at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Business and Management, Russia. She is also the Head of Teaching and Learning Office. Her research interests focus on: intercultural communication and cross-cultural didactics.