Yuli Bai Editor

Yuli Bai is currently Associate Professor at the College of Arts at Beijing Union University. She gained her PhD at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and undertook her postdoctoral research at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Her research interests focus on fashion and art collaboration, fashion theory, authentic marketing and dilettante design. She has published a number of refereed research papers in top journals, such as The Design Journal and Leonardo, and industrial articles, all around fashion.
Yingchun Zang, is Professor at Tsinghua University and teaches at the Academy of Arts and Design (1995–present). She is the director of China’s most research-intensive specialist institution of art and design as well as the acting dean for Tsinghua Arts and Design Institute in Milan (since 2018). Professor Zang is also a practising artist and designer who has published a number of research monographs and translated works and dozens of international articles that cover education, research development, strategic leadership and assessment. Her work has contributed to the promotion and advocacy of research in the creative arts, both in China and globally.