Yuko Kaneko Author

Yuko Kaneko is a Professor of Public Administration at the University of Yamagata. She received an LLB from the University of Tokyo; previously Professor of the Local Autonomy College of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (2004-2005); worked over 25 years for the Government of Japan in Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; published books and articles on administrative reform, environmental management, local governance, policy development, statistical analysis of household income and expenditure, etc. Itoko Suzuki, currently a member or on the editorial committee of a few public administration and management societies in Japan; previously Professor of International Administration at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (2000- 2006); Kobe Women’s University (2006-2009), Shizuoka University of Arts and Culture (2000-2011); PhD in Public Administration from New York University (1980). Dr. Suzuki worked for 30 years at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on the United Nations Public Administration Programme of DESA (1969-2000); contributed several articles on administrative reforms, management development, and local environmental governance.