Yuichi Hosoya Author & Editor

Masayuki Yamauchi

Specially appointed professor affiliated with the Musashino University Institute for Global Affairs, visiting professor at the Mohammed V University in Morocco, and professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo. Born in Sapporo in 1947, he completed a doctoral course at the Hokkaido University Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences, but obtained his Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Tokyo. Awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon and Shiba Ryotaro Prize, he is the author of many award-winning books, including The Dream of Sultan Galiev: The Islamic World and the Russian Revolution (Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities); Radical History (Yoshino Sakuzō Prize); The Dying Leviathan: Perestroika and the Nationalities Question in Soviet Central Asia (Mainichi Publication Cultural Prize); and The Iwanami Encyclopedia of Islam (co-editor; Mainichi Publication Cultural Prize).


Yuichi Hosoya

Professor of International Politics, Keio University.  Professor Hosoya studied international politics at Rikkyo (BA), Birmingham (MIS), and Keio (Ph.D.).  He was a visiting professor and Japan Chair (2009–2010) at Sciences-Po in Paris (Institut d’Études Politiques), a visiting fellow (Fulbright Fellow, 2008–2009) at Princeton University, and Visiting Fellow at Downing College, the University of Cambridge (2021-2022). His research interests include the postwar international history, British diplomatic history, Japanese foreign and security policy, and contemporary East Asian international politics. His most recent publications include Security Politics: Legislation for a New Security Environment (Tokyo: JPIC, 2019); History, Memory & Politics in Postwar Japan (Co-editor, Lynne Rienner: Boulder, 2020); and “Japan’s Security Policy in East Asia”, in Yul Sohn and T.J. Pempel (eds.), Japan and Asia’s Contested Order: The Interplay of Security, Economics, and Identity (Palgrave, 2018).