The World of Private Banking
3 authors - Hardback
Stefano Battilossi is Associate Professor of Economic History at the Department of Social Sciences, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. His research interests include international banking, financial regulation, macroeconomic policies, and stock markets in historical perspective, with a special focus on Western Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. He has published articles in The Economic History Review, the European Review of Economic History, and Cliometrica, and contributed chapters to the Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe (with James Foreman-Peck) (Cambridge University Press, 2010), The Oxford Handbook of the Italian Economy Since Unification (Oxford University Press, 2013), and The Oxford Handbook of Banking and Financial History (Oxford University Press, 2016). He has edited European Banks and the American Challenge: Competition and Co-operation in International Banking under Bretton Woods, with Youssef Cassis (Oxford University Press, 2002) and State and Financial Systems in Europe and the USA: Historical Perspectives on Regulation and Supervision in the 19th and 20th centuries, with Jaime Reis (Ashgate, 2010). He has been an editor of the Financial History Review (Cambridge Journals) since 2010. He served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the European Historical Economics Society (2006–2014), and sits in the Academic Advisory Council of the European Association for Banking and Financial History (Frankfurt a.M.).
Youssef Cassis is Professor of Economic History, Emeritus, at the European University Institute, in Florence. His work mainly focuses on banking and financial history, as well as business history more generally. His most recent publications include Capitals of Capital: A History of International Financial Centres, 1780–2005 (Cambridge University Press, 2006, 2nd revised edition, 2009), Crises and Opportunities: The Shaping of Modern Finance (Oxford University Press, 2011), and, with Philip Cottrell, Private Banking in Europe: Rise, Retreat and Resurgence (Oxford University Press, 2015). He has also recently co-edited The Oxford Handbook of Banking and Financial History (Oxford University Press, 2016, with Richard Grossman and Catherine Schenk), International Financial Centres after the Global Financial Crisis and Brexit (Oxford University Press, 2018, with Dariusz Wojcik), and Financial Elites and European Banking:Historical Perspectives (Oxford University Press, 2018, with Giuseppe Telesca). He was the co-founder/editor, in 1994, of Financial History Review (Cambridge University Press). He was a long-serving member of the Academic Advisory Council of the European Association for Banking and Financial History (EBHA) and past President (2005–2007) of the European Business History Association.
Kazuhiko Yago is Professor of Economic History at the School of Commerce, Waseda University, Tokyo. He obtained a docteur en histoire de l’Université Paris X-Nanterre in 1996. His recent publications include “A Crisis Manager for the International Monetary and Financial System? The Rise and Fall of the OECD Working Party 3, 1961–1980” in The OECD and the International Political Economy Since 1948 (Palgrave, 2017; Matthieu Leimgruber and Matthias Schmelzer, eds.); as an editor, with Hubert Bonin and Nuno Valério, of Asian Imperial Banking History (Taylor and Francis, 2015); and as the author of The Financial History of the Bank for International Settlements (Routledge, 2012).