Yoshitaka Ishikawa Editor

Yoshitaka Ishikawa is a professor in the Faculty of Economics, Teikyo University, and an emeritus professor of Kyoto University. He received his D.Litt. in geography from the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, in 1994. His main interests until about 2000 revolved around internal migration and the related temporal changes, as well as modeling spatial interactions such as migration. Since the beginning of the new century, his chief concern has been international migration and non-Japanese residents such as ethnic minorities. In more recent years, he has been keenly interested in the population decline of Japan and possible solutions to this problem. He is a leading Japanese population geographer who has contributed to international geography by publishing many books and papers on such research topics as internal/international migration and non-native residents. He served as an editorial board member of the journal Population, Space and Place (formerly the International Journal of Population Geography) for 20 years from 1995 and as the secretary-general of the International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission on Global Change and Human Mobility for 12 years from 2000. He won the IGU Lauréat d’honneur for the year 2020.