Yoon Young Kim Author

Dr. Yoon Young Kim is a distinguished professor at Seoul National University (SNU), being a member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology and the National Academy of Engineering, Korea. He was educated at SNU for his BS and MS and Stanford University for his Ph.D. His research is focused on elastic wave and metamaterials and design optimization. He served as the president of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, a vice-president of Int. Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (SMO), and the president of the Asian Society of SMO. He is an executive committee member of Int. Association for Computational Mechanics and was a co-chair of the World Congress on Computational Mechanics (2016). His recent awards include the JSCES (Japan Soceity for Computational Engineering and Science) Grand Prize (2022), the National Medal of Honor in Science and Technology (2021), the Mechanical Engineer of the Year (2019), Excellent Education Award of Dept. of Mech. Eng., SNU (2019), and SNU Research Excellence Award (2018).