Yongxin Xu Editor

Prof. Yongxin Xu is a Senior Professor of Hydrogeology at the University of the Western Cape and the UNESCO Chairholder in Geohydrology. After brief academic jobs in China and UK, he went to South Africa in 1989 and spent most of his career in groundwater investigations for the then Geological Survey and Water Affairs. He has taken up the position of the UNESCO Professor of Hydrogeology based at UWC since 2001. His research, mostly conducted together with his PhD students, has dealt with sustainable groundwater resources management, published in more than 50 peer reviewed papers and three books in the areas of groundwater recharge, pollution and management. The scope of his research covers many facets of groundwater, including socio-economical, environmental and cultural, political and institutional issues. These diverse topics have provided multi-disciplinary research opportunities for many postgraduates at both PhD and MSc level. Having facilitated various international workshops and projects, he holds the position of Guest Professor at universities in China and Australia among others. He is a Commissioner of Africa Groundwater Commission for AMCOW, and the Secretary General of ChinAfrica Water Forum.