Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)
2 contributors - Hardback
Yong Hua Song is Professor of Electrical Energy Systems at Brunel University, UK where he also holds the Royal Academy of Engineering/Nuclear Electric/Siemens Chair of Power Systems. He has authored/co-authored three books and some 200 journal and conference papers in the area of power system stability analysis, control, protection, flexible ac transmission systems and application of computational intelligence. Allan T. Johns is Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Bath and Managing Director of Intalec International Consulting Engineers. He is heavily involved in industrial consultancy and is the author of 250 publications of which nearly 100 are full Learned Society papers. He has been awarded four Learned Society Premiums and holds 12 full patents. He is extremely active in Learned Society service and his interests cover all aspects of electrical power systems.