Yi Hong Author & Editor

1st Author (Yi Hong)
Dr. Hong is a lecturer in the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Zhejiang University, China. Dr. Hong, who obtained his Ph.D. from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2012, has published 12 Journal papers (including papers being accepted for publication), most of which in the Top 4 international journals in Geotechnical Engineering. He is also co-author of two keynote papers at two major international conferences. His major research interests focus on soil-structure engineering of deep excavations, tunnels and piles. He is an invited reviewer of two leading international journals in Geotechnical Engineering, i.e., Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering (ASCE) and Canadian Geotechnical Journal.

2nd Author (Lizhong Wang)
Prof. Wang is a Chair Professor and Dean of the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Zhejiang University, China. His major research areas focus on soil-structure engineering, constitutive modelling of soft clay and offshore engineering. He has published more than 30 journal papers in leading international journals in Geotechnical Engineering and Offshore Engineering. He has also delivered numerous keynote speeches and general reports at various major international conferences and symposia.
He is a recipient of several academic awards in recognition of his significant contributions in geotechnical and offshore engineering, including the Distinguished Young Scholar Award of the National Science Foundation of China, the First Class Award in Scientific and Technological Progress of the Ministry of Education in China and Mao Yisheng Youth Award from the Chinese Institute of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.