Yi Feng Editor

Fulvio Attinà is Professor Emeritus of Political Science and International Relations, and Jean Monnet Chair Ad Personam at the University of Catania, Italy. He is a former Chair of the Italian Association of Political Science (SISP). Furthermore, he served in the governing bodies of ECPR, ISA and the Italian ECSA. Attinà is the author of various works on evolutionary world politics, multilateral security, Euro-Mediterranean relations, mass migration, and the institutional development of the European Union. His current research focuses on uncovering the link between global issues, multilateral policymaking, and the future world order.

Yi Feng is the Luther Lee Jr. Memorial Chair Professor in Government at the Faculty of International Studies at Claremont Graduate University, USA. He has additionally served as provost and vice president for academic affairs (2006-2011), as dean of the Division of Politics & Economics (2003-2006), and was the founding chair of the Department of International Studies (2016-2020). Feng has also served as the general program chair for the International Studies Association Annual Conference (Hawaii, 2004-2005) and has published extensively on such topics as economic growth, investment, human capital, international trade, demographic transition, and political regime transitions. Feng's research focuses on the political economy of international development, international political economy and international relations.