Yelin Fu Author & Editor

Peter Cheng is the cofounder and Chairman of Hanbo group. He obtained his Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) degree in 2014 and Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) degree in 2018 at City University of Hong Kong. His research interests are supply chain risk management and management science. He has been an important figure in the co-founding of both the Hong Kong Apparel Society Limited (HKAS) and Hanbo Enterprises Limited, and his experience in offshore production bases includes Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Kenya, Honduras, Jordan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Myanmar and Indonesia. He also conceptualised the SMART supply chain management model. Yelin Fu is Post-Doctoral Fellow at College of Economics, Shenzhen University. He has two PhDs from the College of Business, City University of Hong Kong, and the School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China. He has published papers in Annals of Operations Research, International Journal of Logistics Management, International Transactions in Operational Research, Journal of Engineer Manufacture, and International Journal of Systems Science. Kin Keung Lai is the Changjiang Chair Professor of the International Business School of the Shaanxi Normal University, China. He was previously Chair Professor of Management Science at the City University of Hong Kong. His main areas of research interests are operations and supply chain management, financial and business risk analysis and modelling using computational intelligence. He is the Founding Chairman of the Hong Kong Operational Research Society of Hong Kong and is also currently the President of the Asia Association on Risk and Crises Management.