The Capacity to Govern
Yehezkel Dror - Paperback
Yehezkel Dror, a contemplative policy scientist, was born in 1928 and has lived in Israel since 1938. He holds a BA and Magister Juris from Hebrew University, and an LLM and SJD from Harvard University. He is emeritus professor of political science and public administration at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He won the Israel Prize in 2005 and has been an adviser to Israeli prime ministers. The founding president of Jewish People Policy Institute, he also serves as an international consultant on policy planning and has been a mentor to senior political leaders.
is the author of the books Public Policymaking Reexamined, Capacities to Govern, Crazy States, Israeli Statecraft and For Rulers. He is also Honorary Member, Club of Rome; Emeritus Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science; and Member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts.