Yassine Ouazene Editor

Farouk Yalaoui is Full Professor at UTT, France. He specializes in optimization and industrial engineering, and is a founding member of the Algerian Academy of Sciences and Technologies.

Nhan-Quy Nguyen is a researcher at UTT, France. He specializes in optimizing complex systems, with applications in logistics, healthcare and energy management.

Yassine Ouazene is Associate Professor at UTT, France. He specializes in combinatorial optimization and operations research, and his research focuses on production systems, manufacturing design and smart pricing.

Maria Zemzami is Professor at Université Mohammed V, Morocco. She specializes in software engineering, cloud computing and network security, and her research focuses on information system interoperability and optimization algorithms.

Leïla Merghem-Boulahia is Full Professor at UTT, France, and the head of the ISIFT. Her main research interests include multi-agent systems, quality of service, smart grids, the IoT and the IIoT.