Yasmine Putri Author & Illustrator

Tom Taylor is the creator of the Aurealis Award-winning graphic novel series The Deep (which tells the adventures of a multiethnic family of underwater explorers who live on a submarine). The Deep has been optioned by Technicolor to be turned into a 26-episode CG animated series. He is perhaps best known for the bestselling DC Comics series Injustice: Gods Among Us, Earth 2, Batman/Superman, and his many Star Wars series. More recently Tom is best known for his smash-hit title DCeased from DC Comics.

Yasmine Putri has illustrations featured in Spectrum 15/16. Done projects for various clients e.g Wizards of the Coast (Magic the Gathering), White Wolf Publishing (Exalted, Mage), Paizo Publishing, Warhammer comics, Alderac Entertainment (Legend of the Five Rings), Sony Entertainment (Legend of Norrath, Free Realms, Star Wars Galaxies), and many more.