Yasmine Motarjemi Editor

Dr. Peter Overbosch previous Vice President of Corporate Quality Assurance, Metro Cash & Carry (based in Düsseldorf, Germany) and Senior Director Quality Kraft Foods Europe, Middle East & Africa (Munich, Germany), Senior Director Quality Kraft Foods Latin America (East Hanover, NJ, USA), VP of Quality at Nabisco Inc (East Hanover, NJ, USA) and Head of Quality for Unilever Foods worldwide (Rotterdam, Netherlands). He has developed and implemented global quality systems at all these companies, has driven multi-site ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 certification across Latin America and Europe and has initiated 6 Sigma programs. Peter has been one of the initiators of the BSI PAS 220:2008 Standard for prerequisite programs of food safety for food manufacturing, now being used in the GFSI recognized FSSC 22000 scheme. Furthermore, Peter has developed Incident Management procedures and trained and led IM Teams around the world. Dr. Yasmine Motarjemi Previous Food Safety Manager/Quality Management at Nestle, Dr. Motarjemi is a food safety consultant and has 30 years of industry-based, real-world experience in all phases of quality assurance programs. She developed internal training materials to address the knowledge gap between the various production stages at Nestle, is Editor in Chief of Elsevier’s Encyclopedia of Food Safety and has published numerous chapters, books, and ~60 research articles. Prof. Dr. h.c. H.L.M. (Huub) Lelieveld is President of the Global Harmonization Initiative and Fellow of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology, and was formerly at Unilever in Vlaardingen, The Netherlands. He editor or co-editor of numerous books, including several on hygiene and food safety management; novel food processing technologies and harmonization of food safety regulations. He produced chapters for many books and encyclopaedia, hundreds of scientific articles and articles for magazines and presented hundreds of papers, globally. He has been awarded doctor honoris causa at the National University of Food Technologies in Kiev, Ukraine.