Yasmin Dawood Editor

Vicki C. Jackson, Laurence H. Tribe Professor of Constitutional Law, Harvard Law School, wrote Constitutional Engagement in a Transnational Era (2010), co-authored (with Mark Tushnet) Comparative Constitutional Law (3d. ed. 2014) and Defining the Field of Comparative Constitutional Law (2002), and has written widely on comparative and U.S. constitutional law. A member of the American Law Institute, she has served on various academic boards including the International Association of Constitutional Law's Executive Committee. Yasmin Dawood is the Canada Research Chair in Democracy, Constitutionalism, and Electoral Law, and an Associate Professor of Law and Political Science at the University of Toronto. She has published widely on voting rights, comparative election law, and the theory and practice of democratic constitutionalism. She was named a member of the Royal Society of Canada College in 2018, and she has served on academic boards including the Executive Committee of the International Association of Constitutional Law and the Council of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy.