Yao Song Author

Yao Song is a research fellow at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). At present, he is working on subnational diplomacy, mainland China–Hong Kong relations, and China’s foreign policy. His recent works are published in International Affairs, Critical Asian Studies, The Pacific Review, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific and others.

Tianyang Liu is an associate professor in the School of Politics and Public Administration at Wuhan University. Tianyang’s research is divided into three main streams: the first is focused on security and China; the second deals with China’s international relations, with a special interest in Chinese paradiplomacy; and the third is focused on post-pandemic China under Xi Jinping. His recent publications appear in International Affairs, Political Geography, Critical Asian Studies, The Pacific Review, Terrorism and Political Violence, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Comunicar, Asian Studies Review, Political Studies Review, International Communication Gazette and others.