Yana Milev Author & Editor

Yana Milev is a Berlin-based artist, cultural philosopher/anthropologist, curator and publisher. She studied stage design, visual arts and cultural theory in Dresden, martial arts in Kyōto and Berlin, cultural philosophy and anthropology of art in Vienna and Karlsruhe. After a successful career as an artist (e.g. Documenta 10 – dX in 1997), in 2003 she moved to the scientific sphere. In 2008, she received her PhD on a subject of political philosophy. Since 2009 she has been developing the research field «design anthropology» within her habilitation treatise (venia legendi) at the University of St. Gallen’s Institute of Sociology. Besides her academic engagements as an author, theorist, researcher and lecturer, she works as a curator, project manager and publisher. Since 1987, Yana Milev has realized dozens of worldwide projects in the fields of art, curating, science, publishing, education, research and cultural production.