The Champions? Thirty Years of the UEFA Champions League
3 contributors - Hardback
Mark Doidge is Reader in the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences at Loughborough University. His research focuses on social activism among football fans, climate action, anti-racism, and supporting refugees. He is the author of a number of books, including Ultras (2020), Collective Action and Football Fandom (2018), and Football Italia (2015).
Yağmur Nuhrat is a Cultural Anthropologist based at Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of Sociology. She investigates everyday ethics and morality. Her research on sport centres on fandom, fairness, gender, language and space. She has published in several volumes and journals including American Ethnologist, American Anthropologist and Sport in Society.
Radosław Kossakowski is Associate Professor in Sociology, Director of Institute of Sociology at and Chair of the Scientific Council of Sociology at the University of Gdańsk. He is active member of several scientific bodies and associations: European Sociology of Sport Association, International Sociology of Sport Association, Football Collective Group. His articles have been published in many well-recognized journals including Sport in Society, Sociology of Sport Journal, International Review for the Sociology of Sport and East European Politics and Societies.