Biomimetic Design Method for Innovation and Sustainability
2 authors - Hardback
Yael Helfman Cohen received a PhD in Biomimetic Design from Tel-Aviv university for her research titled: "Biomimicry design method for innovation and sustainability". She also holds an MSc in Management Science and a BSc in Industrial Engineering Management.
Since 2014, she has been a manager at the Biomimicry Lab at Tel Aviv University, and since 2009 she is co-founder and CEO of Biomimicry IL. An Editor of the Israeli biomimetic online journal, member of the Biomimetic ISO international committee and organizer of the yearly conference "Biomimicry- Academy & Industry", Dr. Helfman Cohen has years of teaching experience and is intensively involved in many academic activities. She has published several papers in journals and conference papers.
Yoram Reich is a Full Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Tel Aviv University. He has practiced engineering design for more than 7 years and has held visiting positions at Carnegie Mellon University, Duke University, and Stanford University. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Research in Engineering Design, an associate editor of Design Science, and an editorial board member of 6 other international journals; a founder and past co-chair of the Design Theory special interest group of the Design Society, and an elected member of its Advisory Board.
He is also a Fellow of the Design Research Society. Previously, he was the chair of the Israeli chapter of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers and served several additional years on its managerial board. Prof. Reich’s research focuses on product design methods and theories, flexible development processes, computer-aided design, data mining, and design research methodology. He has published over 200 papers on these subjects and advised more than 40 graduate and PhD students.