Composites in Biomedical Applications
4 contributors - Hardback
S.M. Sapuan is a professor of composite materials at Universiti Putra Malaysia. He earned his B.Eng degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Newcastle, Australia in 1990, MSc from Loughborough University, UK in 1994 and Ph.D from De Montfort University, UK in 1998. His research interests include natural fiber composites, materials selection and concurrent engineering. To date he has authored or co-authored more than 1521 publications (730 papers published/accepted in national and international journals, 16 authored books, 25 edited books,153 chapters in books and 597 conference proceedings/seminar papers/presentation (26 of which are plenary and keynote lectures and 66 of which are invited lectures). S.M. Sapuan was the recipient of Rotary Research Gold Medal Award 2012, The Alumni Medal for Professional Excellence Finalist, 2012 Alumni Awards, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, Khwarizmi International Award (KIA). In 2013 he was awarded with 5 Star Role Model Supervisor award by UPM. He has been awarded "Outstanding Reviewer" by Elsevier for his contribution in reviewing journal papers. He received Best Technical Paper Award in UMIMAS STEM International Engineering Conference in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. S.M. Sapuan was recognized as the first Malaysian to be conferred Fellowship by the US-based Society of Automotive Engineers International (FSAE) in 2015. He was the 2015/2016 recipient of SEARCA Regional Professorial Chair. In 2016 ranking of UPM researchers based on the number of citations and h-index by SCOPUS, he is ranked the 6th from 100 researchers. In 2017, he was awarded with IOP Outstanding Reviewer Award by Institute of Physics, UK, National Book Award, The Best Journal Paper Award, UPM, Outstanding Technical Paper Award, Society of Automotive Engineers International, Malaysia, and Outstanding Researcher Award, UPM. He also received in 2017 Citation of Excellence Award from Emerald, UK, SAE Malaysia the Best Journal Paper Award, IEEE/TMU Endeavour Research Promotion Award, Best Paper Award by Chinese Defence Ordnance and Malaysia’s Research Star Award (MRSA), from Elsevier. Besides, in 2019, he was awarded with Top Research Scientist Malaysia (TRMS 2019) and Professor of Eminence Award from AMU, India.
Professor Ir.Dr. Nukman Yusoff (Y. Nukman) is currently working in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Malaya (UM), Malaysia. He worked for one year as visiting Professor doing in Qassim University, Saudi Arabia for developing research and teaching in the field of Advanced Manufacturing Process. Being a Professional Engineer registered under Board of Engineers Malaysia he has pioneering the Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) field in Malaysia. He acquired his PhD from Loughborough University (field of research: Laser Materials Processing) in 2009 and Master in Engineering Science, MSc. (Mechatronics) from De Montfort University, Leicester United Kingdom in 1998. He acquired his first degree in CAD/CAM from University of Central England in Birmingham. Since then he has been teaching undergraduate courses in the field of CAD/CAM and Manufacturing and graduate level of teaching in Manufacturing Automation and Control and other field of subjects in Manufacturing. His administration experience in UM shining when he was appointed as Head Of Department of Engineering Design & Manufacture in 2007 till 2009. Since working in UM Nukman was actively doing research in the field of Laser Materials Processing, CAD/CAM, CNC and Manufacturing Process and Management. Being a Principal Researcher in UM he has secured totalling of several millions of grants from internal and international sources which he managed to supervised more than handful of PhD graduates and quite a number of post graduates which currently working under his supervision. He published more than fifty articles in many ISI Journals in the field of manufacturing and in different international, regional and national journals, conference proceedings and bulletins and co-author of several technical books in CAD/CAM and Manufacturing Process.
Prof. Ir. Dr. Noor Azuan Abu Osman (N.A. Osman) graduated from University of Bradford, UK with a B.Eng. Hons. in Mechanical Engineering, followed by MSc. and Ph.D. in Bioengineering from University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom. Azuan’s research interests are quite wide-ranging under the general umbrella of biomechanics. However, his main interests are the measurements of human movement, prosthetics design, the development of instrumentation for forces and joint motion, and the design of prosthetics, orthotics and orthopaedic implants. In 2004 he received BLESMA award from ISPO UK NMS in recognition of his significant contribution to the development of the prosthetic socket. He is curently the Deputy President of Society of Medical and Biological Engineering (MSMBE), affiliated organisations of International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE). He is currently the Dean of Engineering and also the Deputy Director of Centre for Applied Biomechanics and the Coordinator of Motion Analysis Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya. He has publications in books, conference proceedings and journals. He is also a Chartered Engineer (C.Eng.) and Fellow (FIMechE) with The Institute of Mechanical Engineers, UK, Chartered Professional Engineer (C.PEng) and Fellow (FIEAust) with Engineers Australia and a Chartered Scientist (C.Sci.) and Professional Member (MICR) with The Institute of Clinical Research, UK.
R.A. Ilyas received his Diploma in Forestry at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Bintulu Campus (UPMKB), Sarawak, Malaysia from Mei 2009 to April 2012. In 2012, he was awarded the Public Service Department (JPA) scholarship to pursue his Bachelor’s Degree (BSc) in Chemical Engineering at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Upon completing his BSc. programme in 2016, he was again awarded the Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) by the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) to undertake a PhD degree in the field of Biocomposite Technology & Design at Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products (INTROP) UPM. R.A. Ilyas was the recipient of Gold Medal Malaysian Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals (MVP) Doctor of Philosophy 2019, and Top Student Award (Institute of Tropical Forest and Forest Products (INTROP), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia). In 2018, he was awarded with Outstanding reviewer by Carbohydrate Polymers, Elsevier United Kingdom, Best Paper Award (11th AUN/SEED-Net R egional Conference on Energy Engineering), Best Paper Award (Seminar Enau Kebangsaan 2019, Persatuan Pembangunan dan Industri Enau Malaysia), and National Book Award 2018. His main research interests are: (1) Polymer Engineering (Biodegradable Polymers, Biopolymers, Polymer composites, Polymer-gels) and (2) Material Engineering (Natural fiber reinforced polymer composites, Biocomposites, Cellulose materials, Nano-composites). He has authored and published more than 34 citation-indexed journals on green materials related subjects. To date he has authored or co-authored more than 133 publications (40 papers published/accepted/submitted in national and international journals, 1 authored books, 7 edited books, 48 chapters in books, 10 conference papers, 2 research bulletin and editor/co-editor more than 3 conference/seminar proceeding and 22 conference proceedings/seminar papers/presentation.