Xinyuan Wu Author

Xinyuan Wu, a Professor in Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University. His research interests focus on geometric algorithms for differential equations, numerical methods for stiff problems and numerical methods for algebraic systems. ​In 2017, Wu was awarded with the highest distinction of “Honorary Fellowship” from European Society of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering for the outstanding contribution in the fields of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. Wu attended the school of Mathematics at the University of Tübingen for study and research from Janurary 19th 2002 to Janurary 20th 2003.

Bin Wang, a Professor in Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Xi'an Jiaotong University. His research interests focus on various structure-preserving algorithms as well as numerical methods for differential equation, especially the numerical computation and analysis of Hamilton ordinary differential equation and partial differential equation. Wang was awarded by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2017–2019).